The Great Barrington Declaration Network

Last update: 24.08.2021 00:30 CEST
Click nodes and edges for more details.

How does the network visualization work?
The graph is based on information about persons, institutions and their connections. For example, a connection might be "Jay Bhattacharya is a co-author of The Great Barrington Declaration" or "AIER received $68,100 from Charles Koch Foundation".

A physical simluation calculates positions of nodes and edges in the graph: All nodes repel each other, but the edges pull connected nodes back together.

What is this analysis able to deliver?
We speak of emergence if looking at a wider whole reveals insights we might not be able to see by just looking at each individual entity. The whole graph and its connections across nodes may reveal patterns otherwise unnoticed. This way the visualization might reveal insights into interconnections that contribute to desinformation spread related to COVID-19 in science communities, media and politics.

If you'd like to learn more about network analysis, here's a very brief list of related literature and projects:
- Analyzing Organizational Structures Using Social Network Analysis, Springer, 2009
- Social Network Analysis: A Handbook, SAGE, 2000
- Mark Lombardi: Global Networks, Drawing Center, 2003
- Social network analysis: An overview, WIREs, 2018
- Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques, WILEY, 2015

If you have suggestions for the visualization, please create a Github issue.